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Make a gift

Make a gift.


All the contributions and sponsorship will only be used for teaching and academic research, and personal or corporate donors could ask for dedicate accounts. Funds could be managed and allocated by DTS, or you can make sure that your support benefits the program of your choice, such as: for courses or curriculum, emergency assistance, awards, scholarship and events sponsoring, etc.

Ways to give:

All donations to DTS will be received and write-off by NTOU Alumni Service Center, and used only by DTS. For the donation forms, please contact Cindy Hui-Mei Chou at 02-24622192 ext. 7011 or ahlim@email.ntou.edu.tw.

DTS alumni service group:

DTS chair will invite the faculty and alumni to form an alumni service group to manage the donations and make the best use on DTS. If there is any question, please contact the NTOU Alumni Service Center.


Your philantrophy can help to shape the future of DTS!