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Master of Science (MS)


Rules and Regulations of the Transportation Science Master Program, National Taiwan Ocean University


Passed by the Department Committee on 2021/05/03

Passed by the College Academic Affairs Committee on 2021/06/0?

Passed by the NTOU Academic Affairs Committee on 2021/06/0?

中華民國 110年 5月 3 日 109 學年度第 6 次系務會議通過

中華民國 110 年 6 月 1日 109 學年度第 5次院務會議書面審議修正通過


Chapter One Applicants’ Eligibility (適用者資格)

  1. The rules and regulations are only applicable for international graduate students, excluding oversea Chinese graduate students and graduate students who have the nationality of Republic of China, Hong Kong (including British National (Overseas)), or Macau, People's Republic of China (PRC).


  1. The course requirements, graduation requirements, thesis defense and the leaving campus procedures are to be conducted according to the rules and regulations and the NTOU regulations.  


Chapter Two Course Requirements (修讀課程)

  1. The Master program must be completed within 1 to 4 years.


  1. The Master program requires each student to fulfill of thirty credit hours consisting of twenty-four course credits and six credits for the thesis.  Of the twenty-four course credits, a student must take at least four English-taught courses (twelve credit hours) offered within the Transportation Science Master program as listed below. A student may take up to four graduate-level courses in other departments of the University System of Taipei to fulfill the course requirements with the approval of his/her thesis advisor or the department chairman.



  1. Six credit hours of Mandarin courses must be completed before graduation according to “National Taiwan Ocean University’s Ph.D. and Master’s Degree Regulation”.

  依「國立臺灣海洋大學博、碩士班章程」規定,學生應於畢業前修畢 6 學分的華語文課程

  1. A student is required to pass “Academic Research Ethics Education Program” on the “Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education” platform before the end of the first semester of enrollment. A student cannot apply for thesis defense before he/she passes the academic ethic courses.


Chapter Three Choose Thesis Advisor (論文指導)

  1. A student must accomplish and submit his/her thesis advisor form to the DTS office before the end of first semester of enrollment. He/she should select the full-time professors of the DTS as his/her thesis advisor. Changing thesis advisor requires the approval of the original thesis advisor or the approval of the department chairman and re-submitting the form.


  1. At most two co-advisors are allowed to supervise a student and at least one of them must be a full-time professor of the DTS. 


  1. Co-advisor from outside of DTS will be allowed only with both approvals of the thesis advisor and the department committee. 


Chapter Four Thesis Defense (學位考試)

  1. Thesis defense and thesis proposal review are conducted according toNational Taiwan Ocean University’s Ph.D. and Master’s Degree Regulation”.

      (1)Each student must accomplish and submit his/her thesis proposal review form a semester early than the thesis defense date and get the approvals of the academic affairs committee of the DTS and the collage academic affairs committee. The research topic must be related to

           transportation science.

       (2)The final thesis topic must be consistent with the research proposal topic.





  1. The requirements for applying thesis defense are as follows:

    (1)A student must fulfill the course requirements and pass the academic ethic courses.

    (2)The approval of his/her thesis advisor.

    (3)The approval of the thesis proposal review form.

    (4)Current enrollment.






  1. The requirements for applying thesis defense are as follows:


  1. The deadline is December 31 for application in the first semester.
  2. The deadline is thirty of June 30 for application in the second semester.
  3. The application must be submitted before 15th of the previous month of the defense date. (For example, a student must submit his/her application before 15th of May if his/her thesis defense is scheduled on June.)

     (2)Fill out the thesis defense application form and the following documents to the DTS office:

  1. Transcript.
  2. The list of committee members.
  3. The Chinese abstract, English abstracts and the thesis draft including Introduction, Literature Review and Research Methodology.



  1. 第一學期:自完成註冊手續起至十二月三十一日止。
  2. 第二學期:自完成註冊手續起至六月三十日止。
  3. 當月舉行口試者,請於前一個月15日前完成申請。(6月口試者,請於515日前提出申請)


  1. 歷年成績單。
  2. 考試委員名冊一份。
  3. 論文中、英文摘要及論文初稿(包括緒論、文獻回顧及研究方法)
  1. A thesis defense application must be approved by the NTOU president after getting the approval of the academic affairs committee.  A student will be banned from taking his/her thesis defense if acts of plagiarism are reported and verified in his/her thesis content by the academic affairs committee. His/her score of thesis defense should be graded as zero if he/she took his/her thesis defense already.



  1. A student must write his/her in English and present his/her thesis in thesis defense in English. His/her thesis draft must be sent to the committee members for review a week before the thesis defense date.


  1. The committee shall have three to five members, selected and appointed by the NTOU president. Thesis advisors should not count more than half of the commit members. One-third of the committee members should be members outside of the NTOU faculty.

The committee members shall each have done specialized study in the research field of transportation science and also have one of the following qualifications:

    (1)Be currently serving or have served as a professor, associate professor, or assistant professor;

    (2)Be an academician at Academia Sinica, or currently work or have worked at Academia Sinica as a research fellow, associate research fellow, or assistant research fellow;

    (3)Have a doctoral degree and have significant academic accomplishments;

    (4)Have expertise in an unusual or highly specialized academic research field or professional practice field and have achieved significant results in their respective academic or professional field(s).

The committee members who have qualifications 3 or 4 shall be approved by the academic affairs meeting of the DTS.









  1. The highest score received in the thesis defense exam is 100. A score of less than 70 is considered as a fail of the exam. If the average score is than less than 70 or more than half of the committee members give a score of less than 70, a student gets a fail in the exam. The student can take the thesis defense one more time within the maximum length of study. The student will be withdrawn from school if he/she fail the thesis defense exam twice.



  1. If a student cannot finish the scheduled thesis defense within the scheduled semester, he/she should withdraw the application. If he/she fail to do so, the student gets a fail in the thesis defense exam.  If his/her exam is scheduled in the first semester, he/she can defer the exam until the next semester.



  1. A student will receive Master of Science diploma if he/she passes the thesis defense and fulfills the graduation requirements.


Chapter Five Procedure of Leaving Campus (離校手續)

  1. A student must revise his/her thesis according to the thesis defense committee’s comments. With the approvals of the committee chairman and his/her thesis advisor, he/she must then submit a hardcopy to the DTS office, a hardcopy to the division of registration and curriculum and a hardcopy to the office of library and information technology.


  1. A student should upload his/her revised thesis to the NTOU library uploading system. After successfully uploading his/her thesis, he/she can launch the procedure of leaving campus. 


Chapter Six Others (附則)

  1. A student should assist in teaching and research works.


  1. The rules and regulations are effective after being passed by the college academic affairs committee and the NTOU academic affairs committee. 



                                                     Master Program

                   Department of Transportation Science, National Taiwan Ocean University


Courses Taught in English


Transportation Science

Logistics and Distribution Management 物流配送管理


Transportation Science

Supply Chain Optimization 供應鏈最佳化


Transportation Science

Engineering Economics 工程經濟


Transportation Science

Linear Regression with R 利用R建立線性迴歸模式


Transportation Science

Spatial Decision Making Methodology 空間決策方法論


Transportation Science

Database and Data Mining 資料庫與資料探勘


Transportation Science

IoT Intelligent Systems- Theory and Applications 物聯網智慧系統-理論與應用


Transportation Science

Container Transport Management 貨櫃運輸專論


Transportation Science

Statistics and Data Analysis 統計與資料分析


Transportation Science

Airline Operation and Management 空運經營管理專題


Transportation Science

Special  Topics  In  Air  Transportation  Development 航空運輸發展專題


Transportation Science

Leadership and Management 領導與管理


Transportation Science

Production Management 生產與作業管理


Transportation Science

Location Models of Logistics Systems 物流系統之選址規劃與設計


Transportation Science

Green/Sustainable Supply Chain 綠色/永續供應鏈


Transportation Science

Design for Supply Chain 產品設計與供應鏈


Transportation Science

Operations Research 作業研究專論


Transportation Science

International Logistics Management 國際物流


Transportation Science

System Simulation: Basics and Practice 系統模擬概論與實作


Transportation Science

Transportation productivity and efficiency analysis 運輸生產力與效率分析