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5 years-2 degrees Program

5 years-2 degrees (BS & MS) Program

                     The DTS 5-Years 2 Degrees (BS & MS) Program is to encourage the distinguished undergraduate students of DTS department to start pursuing graduate studies early (in their junior or senior years), which enables them to broaden their academic breadth & depth on courses & curriculum for additional year and receive both a BS and MS degrees in Transportation & Science.

               DTS junior students could apply the Program during the first or second semester of junior year, and senior student MUST apply the Program no later than December 31 of senior year.

               For further information, please check the following link:

Link: 2019 NTOU Regulations for 5 years/2 degrees Program.

Any questions, please contact Lillian, Hui-Ling Chen at Tel: 02-24622192 ext. 7019 or emailahlim@email.ntou.edu.tw



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